Google’s Chrome for android mobiles is widely used web browser and it is getting a feature update in version 58. It will soon be available from the Google Play Store, and the update comes with some new additions as well.
The update allows the bottom Android navigation bar and the top status bar to disappear when the browser runs a Progressive Web App. This means users will get a full screen experience, which is especially helpful if the web app happens to be a game.
Along with full screen, there are other new features that include changes in its Settings section. “Autofill” option is rename to “Autofill and payments”, and this section allows to separate the saved addresses and credit cards in separate sections.
The browser’s History feature is now shown as its own section, instead of showing up as a URL link. If you want to clear your browser history, that should also be easier with Chrome 58, as that feature has been moved up to near the top of the History section, instead of at the bottom.
The update allows the bottom Android navigation bar and the top status bar to disappear when the browser runs a Progressive Web App. This means users will get a full screen experience, which is especially helpful if the web app happens to be a game.
The browser’s History feature is now shown as its own section, instead of showing up as a URL link. If you want to clear your browser history, that should also be easier with Chrome 58, as that feature has been moved up to near the top of the History section, instead of at the bottom.